Visit to Nature & More growers in Spain and Morocco


Product Manager Nicolas Coste who has been visiting our Nature & More growers in the South of Spain and in Morocco: ‘’Last week we have met our growers in South of Spain and Morocco again, in order to discuss the Citrus but also the upcoming Avocado season. The drought in both countries is really striking, the landscape shows a clear lack of water and the water reservoirs are really low. Therefore the production will be much lower than last year with a majority of small sizes. Here we cannot deny that the climate change has a huge impact, and it urges us to take measures in order to fight it back". 

An healthier way of consumption like Organic is more than never crucial in order to face the challenges the World has to face. 
So don’t panic (yet) and eat Organic!

 Learn more about our avocado => recipes, health benefits and interesting facts: - (code 608)

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